Contributing to the knowledge of Brazilian Sphingidae diversity: the first record of Adhemarius daphne daphne Boisduval, 1785 and Amphimoea walkeri Boisduval, 1785 in South Brazil


  • Rubem S. de Avila Jr. Laboratório de Pesquisa em Interações Ecológicas, Universidade Federal do Pampa, campus São Gabriel, RS
  • Jéssica P. Moura Laboratório de Pesquisa em Interações Ecológicas, Universidade Federal do Pampa, campus São Gabriel, RS



Atlantic Rain Forest, Lepidoptera, Pampa, Rio Grande do Sul, Sphingidae


Three individuals (two males and one female) of Adhemarius daphne daphne Boisduval, 1785 and an exemplar of Amphimoea walkeri Boisduval, 1785, were caught in Maquiné and Cerro Largo municipalities, respectively, indicating the first occurrence of these two taxa in the Rio Grande do Sul state, South Brazil.


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How to Cite

Avila Jr., R. S. de, & Moura, J. P. (2021). Contributing to the knowledge of Brazilian Sphingidae diversity: the first record of Adhemarius daphne daphne Boisduval, 1785 and Amphimoea walkeri Boisduval, 1785 in South Brazil. Entomological Communications, 3, ec03051.



Scientific Note
